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There is Someone

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  • 청지기
  • 조회 수 1024




There is Someone interceding for you.
He's in the heavens and He's praying for you.
There is Someone who stands before the face of God
And knows every one of your needs.
There is Someone. Just believe.

Chorus: Though you can't see Him, have faith
That He's working behind the scenes.
Though the heavens are silent right now,
Be simple to love and believe
in Jesus our high priest.

There is Someone who is living for you.
He is list'ning and responding to you.
He's preparing, arranging each circumstance
To meet every one of your needs.
There is Someone. Just believe.

There is Someone who is strengthening you.
He's sustaining and He's bearing you through.
You're not forgotten. At this moment you're in His hands.
He's ministering what you need.
Love this Someone and believe.




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아멘!! 그 분이 우리의 대제사장이십니다!
2015.06.25. 15:02