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When this poor sinner stands at last
Perfected as a son,
I'll praise my God for many things
But most what mercy's done.
While far from God and dead in sin
Rich mercy did abound;
I did not ask or seek for God
But yet my Lord I found.
I'm mercy's vessel, this I know,
For God has chosen me;
The riches of His glory shall
Thus manifested be.
Not him who wills can follow now
This way as yet unknown;
Not him who runs can yet pursue,
But to whom mercy's shown.
My Father's lovingkindness, 'tis,
That I am not consumed -
For His compassions never fail;
Each morning they are new.
Through His compassions day by day
I give myself to be
Transformed and built with other saints,
Christ's Body thus to see.