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Face to Face

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  • 조회 수 518


1. There was once a time wherein just one man,
Could come close to God to be His companion.
‘Twas by the shed blood he could come boldly,
Drawing nigh to God, to behold His glory!
Face to face!  He met with Him there!
He beheld God’s form!  What sweetness they shared!
God and man spoke intimately.
God could speak with that one man openly.
2. God no longer dwells in His tent of old.
The spirit of man has now become His home.
When we turn our heart, unveiled is our face,
Then we meet the Lord before the throne of grace!
Face to face! Together we meet!
We are transformed from glory to glory!
Here we’re one, no longer apart.
Here we see what is hidden in God’s heart.




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