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Enoch and God

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  • 조회 수 1085




1. Enoch and God, walked for three centuries

And then God took him, and he was not,

And Abraham, lingered in God’s presence

As they were talking God showed His heart.


Lord, I’m here

Just spending time to get to know You;

Just draw near,

Reveal Your heart, show me Your purpose,

Keep dispensing into me.


2. Walking with God, we are in fellowship;

Talking to Him, shows me His heart;

Gazing at God, He’s infused into me;

As I abide here, we both are one.


3. Regular days, but there is God in them;

Regular hours, spent talking with Him.

Do not despise, days full of the small things;

God’s being added to you, when you say:




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