찬양 동영상을 올려 주세요. ^^

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1. The Triune God's a mystery-
beyond our mind's ability
a 3-1 God, how can that be?

It's true I'll never fully know
or perfectly explain or show
this mystery while here below.

But that doesn't mean I can't "Amen"
all that the Bible says about Him.
In Scripture God reveals Himself to me.

2. The Bible tells me God is One
revealed as Father, Spirit, Son.
They co-exist eternally

But even more They coinhere-
so Each One lives in the Other-
a habitation mutually.

Lord, give me faith to simply believe
That God is One and yet He is three.
To know God is to know the Trinity.

3. But yet there still is something more-
I called His name, opened the door.
The Triune God made home in me.

Then into God I was baptized.
and now I fully realize
I entered in the Trinity.

I live in God, He lives in me
We coinhere together to be
a mutual home for all eternity.

4. The more I grow, the more I see
the Triune God's not just for me.
He's now dispensing corporately.

God has a goal and household plan
dispensing Himself into man
fulfilling His economy.

So Lord, we want to do our part-
open daily, let You impart
Your riches and Your nature to our heart.




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