찬양 동영상을 올려 주세요. ^^

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1. If you are hungry, come to the feast.
Open to Jesus—He is all you need.
He fed the thousands, now He’ll feed you.
Just open your mouth and take Him in—
That’s all you have to do.
We’ve found that calling on Jesus fills us within.
He came as food, so now we take Him in.
No doctrines or forms that you have to learn
To come and meet with us.
Just enjoy the Lord Jesus!

2. If you are thirsty, He’s heard your cry.
He is a fountain that will not run dry.
He’s quenching our longings, we’re satisfied,
Just eating and drinking the risen Lord!
Yes, that is why He died;
So He could become the Spirit, get into us,
Fill all our being—Oh, how glorious!
It’s really so simple—just take and eat;
That’s all you have to do.
Come enjoy the Lord Jesus.




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2020.10.12. 00:02